We are located on the corner of Shasta Avenue and The Alameda. Our history of neighborliness and service to the community has made Westminster a diverse church, unified by our devotion to Jesus Christ.
Join us for
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All worship services have on-site infant/child care available in our Family Room and programs for children and youth.
Children and YouthSunday School (In Person)
Adult Education![]() Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Virtual on Zoom Every Tuesday at 9am Join us as we explore the core texts and traditions of our church and foundations of our faith in this new Bible study that will surely challenge, refresh and renew your faith. Click here for the link to buy on kindle, we have a couple hard copies in the office. Evening Bible Study Virtual on Zoom Every Wednesday at 7pm Join us as we journey to rethink our mission as a congregation. |
Westminster invites you to worship with us through music!
Our adult Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM in the choir room. We prepare anthems and sing every Sunday in worship. The Praise Band rehearses after church on the 1st and 2nd Sundays. Praise Sundays are the 2nd and 3rd Sundays. We welcome singers and instrumentalists to join in either group, or both groups! Email [email protected] if you'd like more information. |
The best way to keep up with what is going on at Westminster is through our Weekly Newsletter
Westminster Church is a community where all people are welcome and respected.
Our Mission is to be a Christian community of welcoming and nurturing faith.
Our Mission is to be a Christian community of welcoming and nurturing faith.